Friday, December 6, 2019

Corporate Communication free essay sample

What is Corporate Communication? * A department with many functions * A set of communication products * A process to communicate key messages Corporate communications are a powerful management tool if approached with strategic integrity, alignment and focus. An organisation performing with coherence and its energy focused on a specified goal is far more effective than one that allows confused and inconsistent messages to disseminate from management. Communications is the only vehicle that allows all employees to understand the vision and direction of a company. Communications also supports management and HR initiatives in equipping personnel with the knowledge and motivation to perform their roles effectively. By aligning strategic messages with those more closely related to the specifics of an individual’s working environment, communications can directly contribute to motivation by providing a coherent frame of reference. When all individuals use the same frame of reference, communication has directly supported the culture of an organisation. We will write a custom essay sample on Corporate Communication or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Understand the importance of corporate communication Corporate Communication – â€Å"Communication that is completely consistent with the firm’s overall strategy and that enhances the strategic positioning of the corporation. † Communication plays a crucial role in all sectors of the economy, everything from Business Development Sales Marketing. In the economy is fundamental and very important to have good communication skills. The lack of effective communication can lead to misunderstandings lack of information, performance and lower turnover and much more. Corporate communication is the art of crafting and building brand identities and has been responsible for the worldwide success of brands such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, McDonalds, Wal-Mart, IBM, Microsoft, HP, Apple, Google, General Electric and others. Corporate communication helps companies to shape and mould corporate presence, identity and reputation in the minds of customers, important stakeholders and other audiences. It is important for an organization to invest in corporate communication initiatives to perpetuate its long-term corporate image and brand identity. Effective communication includes an effective management style and practices of successful business. The purpose of corporate communication strategies Strategic Communication Is: * Clear and understandable * True * Communicated with passion * Repeated and Consistent Corporate Communications is a simple concept. It ensures that all forms of communications and messages are carefully linked together. At its most basic level, Corporate Communications strategy is to integrate all the promotional tools, so that they work together in harmony. Corporate communication is all about managing perceptions and ensuring: * Coherent corporate identity Reasonable corporate philosophy * Genuine sense of corporate citizenship * An appropriate and professional relationship with the press, including quick, responsible ways of communicating in crises * Effective and timely dissemination of information * Positive corporate image To minimize discrepancies between the companys desired identity and brand fea tures. * Smooth and affirmative relationship with stakeholders * To mobilize internal and external support for corporate objectives * To coordinate with international business firms Link between corporate communications and corporate objectives It is clear from the evidence that there is a strong link between how well-informed people feel about the services and how satisfied they are overall. Good communications leads to a better reputation and stronger relationships with stakeholders. Companies have to work harder to prove that they are delivering good services which offer value for money. The diagram below illustrates actionable and steps to achieve the identified corporate business objectives Conducting an audit A communications audit is an important starting point. It will provide you ith a baseline against which you can develop and measure your communication strategy objectives. The audit is likely to include both quantitative and qualitative research and should include: * Satisfaction and Feeling informed ratings * Analysis of your media coverage * Internal perceptions of the organisation’s external communications * External perceptions external pa rtners such as advertising and PR agencies to work closely together to deliver a single seamless solution, for example, Customer ratings’, |Marketing survey reports, Business forum or any other information on reputation. To Be continued. Reference: * eHow. com http://www. ehow. com/about_5438587_importance-corporate-communication. html#ixzz1VaNo4eOl * Bnet: Definition, Corporate Communication * The Brand Asset Valuator by Young Rubicam; * RepTrak by Reputation Institute. * Book of Graduates’ Research Abstracts http://www. rsm. nl/portal/page/portal/RSM_OUD/Programmes/PostExperienceMasterProgrammes/MASTER%20IN%20CORPORATE%20COMMUNICATIONS1/Our%20Curriculum/Book%20of%20Abstracts/abstracts2003. pdf *

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